- 1.
The class BubbleView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- bindView(android.view.View view): binds associates views
- clearCanvas(): clears canvas
- setScale(float scale): sets the zooming ratio. 1 (by default) is the minimum value.
- update(float x, float y): Updates according to coordinates X and Y
- update(android.view.MotionEvent event): updates according to the sliding event.
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- 2.
The class PanGestureController adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCurrentPoint(): gets the left-top vertex of the current view.
- getScale(): gets the ratio of the current view.
- isEnabled(): determines whether it is enabled.
- setCurrentPoint(android.graphics.Point point): sets the left-top vertex
- setEnabled(boolean enabled): sets the enabled status.
- setScale(float sc): sets the scale.
- updateTouchEvent(android.view.MotionEvent event): updates the touching event.
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- 3.
The class UAVMeasureController adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- addPoint(float x, float y): adds measurement points.
- clearMeasureResult(): clears measurement results.
- getCallOutScale(): gets the label ratio.
- setCallOutScale(float callOutScale): sets the label ratio. 40 is by default.
- setLineStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the line styles.
- setPointStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the point styles.
- setPolygonStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the region styles.
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- 4.
The class UAVRecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
Changes of interfaces:
- calculateFocalLength35mmEq(float ratio,float vFov): calculates a 35mm equivalent focal length.
- calculateVerticalFOV(float ratio,float focalLength35mmEq): calculates vertical field of view.
New Interfaces:
- calculateRotation(UAVRecordParameter parameter): parses the UAV pose using quaternion.
- calculatePosition(UAVRecordParameter parameter, Location startLocation): parses the UAV pose using the current position.
- linearCalculate(ArrayList uavRecordParameters): removing duplicates and linear calculation.
- linearCalculate(double decimalPart,UAVRecordParameter a,UAVRecordParameter b): Interpolates between AB according to the degree.
- generateCsvString(ArrayList uavRecordParameters): generates string in CSV format.
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- 5.
The class ARAnimationManager adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- pauseAnimationGroup(String groupName): pauses the animation according to its name.
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- 6.
The class ARMapElement adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getArMapShapeType(): gets the shape of AR map.
- setArMapShapeType(ARMapShapeType arMapShapeType): sets the shape of AR map.
- setOnMapClickListener(OnMapClickListener listener): sets the listener for the clicking of map.
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- 7.
The class ARRecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- generateCsvString(java.util.List uavRecordParameters): generates string in CSV format.
- getPosition(): gets the coordinates of the position
- getRotation(): gets the rotation quaternion.
- setPosition(Point3D position): gets the position coordinates of AR scene.
- setRotation(Quaternion rotation): sets the rotation quaternion.
- toCsvString(): output string in CSV format.
- toFieldString(): gets the position coordinates
- getPosition(): output the string of the field name.
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- 8.
The class CameraRecordControl adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCurrentRecordParameter(): gets the record parameters of the current posture.
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- 9.
The class CameraWindowRenderer adjusts the following aspects:
Canceled Interfaces:
- setDynamicResult(DynamicPolygon dynamicPolygon): sets the dynamic object that will be rendered on the dynamic layer.
New Interfaces:
- setVisiblity(boolean status): sets the display status of the dynamic object. true means it shows normally. false means it doesn't show well.
- isVisible(): gets the display status of the object.
- setDynamicPolygon(DynamicPolygon dynamicPolygon): sets the dynamic object associated with the viewshed.
- updateVertices(): updates the vertex of the viewshed.
- getGeoRegion(): gets the polygonal objects.
- clipBounds(Rect rect): clips the detecting range of the viewshed according to the border.
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- 10.
The class ConvertTool adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getTranslation(Location locationA, Location locationB): gets the offset of B to A in WGS84.
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- 11.
The class EffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCameraRecordControl(): gets the controller of camera record.
- setOnTouchListener(OnTouchListener l): sets the touching listener.
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- 12.
The class ARDynamicGeometry adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getCurrentPoints(): gets the current point set
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- 13.
The class ARGeoHorizontalRegion adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- clear(): clears objects
- drawRegion(float startUpAzimuth, Location startUpLocation, GeoRegion geometry): draws geometric objects.
- drawRegion(GeoRegion geometry): draws geometric objects.
- drawRegion(java.util.List pointList): draws AR polygons (plane)
- getGeoRegion(): gets regions
- getParentElement(): gets the parent node element
- getPart(int index): returns the child object of the specified number in the way of the ordered point set.
- getPartArea(int partIndex): gets the area of the child object of the specified index.
- getPartCenterPoint(int partIndex): gets the geometric center of the child object of the specified index.
- getPartCount(): returns the number of child objects of the object.
- getRenderHeight(): gets the rendering height.
- setParentNode(AREffectElement element): sets the parent nodes.
- setParentNode(EffectView arView): sets the parent nodes.
- setRenderHeight(float renderHeight): sets the rendering height.
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- 14.
The class ARRealMap adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getMapScale(): gets the scale of the map.
- getWorkspace(): getWorkspace()
- isMapFillBackTransparent(): whether the background of 1:1 map is transparent.
- open(java.lang.String mapName): opens the map with the specified name.
- refresh(): refresh.
- setMapFillBackTransparent(boolean mapAlphaOverlay): sets the background of the map transparent.
- setWorkspace(Workspace workspace): sets the workspace.
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- 15.
The class BaseShape adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getSelectionTextureMap(): gets the rendering texture resource in the selected status.
- setSelectionTextureMap(Bitmap bitmap): sets the rendering texture resource in the selected status.
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- 16.
The class Shape adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- drawCustomMesh(Material material,ArrayList vertices,ArrayList triangleIndices): draws to customize grids.
- drawCustomMesh(final ArrayList vertices,final ArrayList triangleIndices): draws to customize grids.
- drawQuadrangle(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c, Vector3 d, int type): draws quadrilaterals (protected)
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- 17.
The class ShapeStyle adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getSelectionTextureMap(): gets the rendering texture resource in the selected status.
- setSelectionTextureMap(Bitmap bitmap): sets the rendering texture resource in the selected status.
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- 18.
The class Skybox adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- drawSkyBox(float radius): draws spheres.
- drawSkyBox(Vector offset, float radius): draws spheres.
- getParentElement(): gets the parent element.
- setParentNode(AREffectElement element): sets the parent element.
- setParentNode(EffectView arView): sets the parent element.
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- 19.
The class EffectViewRecorder adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- builder(EffectView effectView): creates Builder.
- getFolderPath(): gets the path of the folder.
- getRecorderStatus(): gets the status of the recorder.
- onUpdate(): listener for the update of frames.
- prepare(): prepares for the recording.
- reset(): gets into the status INITIAL directly from PREPARED or RECORDING.
- setRecordName(java.lang.String videoName): sets the prefix of the video name.
- start(): start to record
- stop(): stop recording.
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- 20.
The class RecordParameter adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- calculateFocalLength35mmEq(float ratio, float vFov): calculates a 35mm equivalent focal length.
- calculateHorizontalFOV(float ratio, float focalLength35mmEq): calculates the horizontal field of view.
- calculateVerticalFOV(float ratio, float focalLength35mmEq): calculates vertical field values.
- getFocalLength35mmEq(): gets the 35mm equivalent focal length.
- getHorizontalFOV(): calculates the horizontal field of view.
- getPlatformHeight(): gets the height of the platform.
- getSensorLatitude(): gets the latitude of the sensor.
- getSensorLongitude(): gets the longitude of the sensor.
- getUniqueIdentifier(): gets the unique identifier.
- getUnixTimeStamp(): gets time stamp.
- getVerticalFOV(): gets the horizontal field of view.
- setFocalLength35mmEq(float focalLength35mmEq): sets a 35mm equivalent focal length.
- setHorizontalFOV(float horizontalFOV): sets the horizontal field of view.
- setPlatformHeight(float platformHeight): sets the height of the platform.
- setSensorLatitude(double sensorLatitude): sets the latitude of the platform.
- setSensorLongitude(double sensorLongitude): sets the longitude of the sensor.
- setUniqueIdentifier(java.lang.String uniqueIdentifier): sets the unique identifier.
- setUnixTimeStamp(long unixTimeStamp): sets the time stamp.
- setVerticalFOV(float verticalFOV): sets the vertical field of view of camera.
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- 21.
The class UAVActionControl adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getAction(): gets gesture-operation types
- getDrawController(): gets the scene-drawing controller.
- getMeasureController(): gets the measure controller.
- getPanController(): gets the panning gesture controller.
- onTouch(android.view.View v, android.view.MotionEvent event): touching event
- setAction(UAVAction uavAction): sets the gesture-operation type.
- setMeasureCallOut(int resourceId): sets the measurement label.
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- 22.
The class UAVCsvReader adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- getPoints(int step): gets the geographic coordinate points in csv.
- readFileFromAssets(java.lang.String fileName): reads files from \assets according to their names.
- readFileFromSdCard(java.lang.String filePath): reads csv files from sd card.
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- 23.
The class UAVDrawController adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- addPoint(float x, float y): adds points.
- clearDrawResult(): clears drawing results.
- delLastPoint(): clears the added points last time
- getARGeoLine(): gets the currently drawing lines.
- getARGeoPoint(): gets the currently drawing points.
- getARGeoPolygon(): gets the currently drawing polygonal objects.
- getUAVActionType(): gets the operation actions of UAV.
- setLineStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the styles of lines.
- setOnPointUpdateListener(UAVDrawController.OnPointUpdateListener onPointUpdateListener): sets the listener for updating points.
- setPointStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the styles of points.
- setPolygonStyle(ShapeStyle shapeStyle): sets the styles of regions
- setUAVAction(UAVAction UAVActionType): sets the operation actions of UAV.
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- 24.
The class UAVVideoTimeLine adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- bindView(UAVVideoEffectView uavVideoEffectView): binds view
- getProgress(): gets the current progress
- setOnChangeLister(UAVVideoTimeLine.OnChangeLister onChangeLister): sets the listener for the changing of progress.
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- 25.
The class UAVAction adjusts the following aspects:
New Enumerations:
- UAVAction.DRAW_HORIZONTAL_POLYGON: draws horizontal polygons.
- UAVAction.DRAW_LINE: draw lines
- UAVAction.DRAW_POINT: draw points
- UAVAction.MEASURE_AREA: measure areas
- UAVAction.MEASURE_DISTANCE: measure distances
- UAVAction.MEASURE_HEIGHT: measure heights
- UAVAction.NONE: No operations.
- UAVAction.PAN: Panning gesture (zooming and panning)
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- 26.
The class VideoEffectViewHelper adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- moveToXY(android.view.MotionEvent event, BubbleView bubbleView, EffectView efView): move the bubble window near the XY value of event.
- setSize(android.view.View view, float ratio): Sets the width and height of the special-effect view according the ratio to ensure the video can display in the maximum size.
- setSize(android.view.View view, float ratio, int width, int height): Sets the width and height of the special-effect view according the ratio to ensure the video can display in the maximum size.
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- 27.
The class VideoEffectView adjusts the following aspects:
New Interfaces:
- setLooping(boolean status): Sets whether to play videos in a loop.
- getDrawingCacheSource(): Reads when detecting the target.
- release(): releases MediaPlayer
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